Consignee Service

The consignee is an entity that performs the duties of unloading and delivering (if necessary) products to the destination. He is fully responsible for the condition of the cargo. We will receive the goods and arrange a complete customs clearance. The final rights to the cargo, throughout its delivery and receipt, will remain with the Customer, but we will act as his authorized representative.

The company VED Agent deals with receiving goods that go by railway (including groupage transportation). If you send the goods this way, our experience will be very useful for easy receipt and delivery to you personally or at the TSW. The only thing you need is to conclude an agreement with our company about the receipt of your cargo and inform about the time and place of its arrival. All other worries will be taken over by our specialists.

VED Agent may act as a consignee

You do not need to arrange the process of receiving the goods on your own and make your employees spend their time on unloading instead of their key responsibilities. Take advantage of VED Agent experience of. We have all the necessary tools for the smooth and quick receipt of your goods: all the necessary contracts with railway stations, our own barcodes, as well as transport for the further delivery of your goods.

Cooperation with us gives you the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary worries when receiving goods. Entrust this direction of the VED Agent company, and you will save your time and efforts.

Delivery request
Your name
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Awards and certificates
The best small business enterprise of Novosibirsk in ‘Leader of servicing’ nomination
The General Manager of JSC VED Agent Alexander Degtyarev is the laureate of ‘Leaders today-2018’ prize
The company’s work quality is confirmed by international certificate ISO 9001
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